Welcome to Birth Different!
The important stuff, without the fluff.

I’m guessing you feel like birth prep is one of the most overwhelming tasks ever. Everyone’s throwing advice at you and there’s a million books to read, podcasts to listen to, info evenings to attend… not to mention all the Instagram posts shouting at you constantly about what you MUST know for birth. 

And your partner? They’re just concerned with how the car seat clicks in!! ARGH!

I’m guessing you just want someone who knows their shit to tell you about the
real good stuff, the important stuff without the fluff. 

Well guess what? You’re in the right place.

Birth Different is packed with everything you need to know to go in to birth prepared, educated and empowered, without turning it into a woo-woo snooze fest.

It’s designed to bring you and your partner together as a team while covering all the essentials so you can navigate the twists and turns of labour in a way that feels right for you. Whether you’re aiming for a drug free birth or you want to walk in to hospital knowing the tricks of the trade, this course will help you approach birth with confidence and clarity.

Alice empowers every woman to take charge of their birth. No matter the choices, decisions or vision, they are yours and yours to manifest!

Words simply cannot describe how grateful I am for The Modern Doula, the one who educated, informed and guided us throughout my birth. She is a real life angel that empowers every woman.

- Hannah

So, what’s included? 

*10 self-paced video modules including:

  • The mechanics of birth

  • Creating your birth vision

  • Overcoming fear in labour

  • Non-medical and medical tools for pain relief

  • How to be a great support person

  • Advocacy and decision making

  • Positive induction & caesareans

  • The first week at home

PLUS more!

*Over 13 digital downloads including: 

  • Editable birth preferences and postpartum planning templates

  • Upright birth positions

  • Hospital bag checklist

  • Recommended evidence based resources and references

  • Acupressure guides

  • Newborn sleep cycles


  • Interactive activities for you and your partner

  • Exclusive discount codes



From fear focused to empowered, Alice changed my complete mindset going in to birth

I’ll never be able to repay Alice for her exceptional service and caretaking. I never want to have a birth without her and her amazing skill, support, care and education.

- Holly

Imagine walking in to your birth knowing
you’re calm, confident and you have the skills to handle whatever comes your way without having to sit though hours and hours of info to get there…that’s what Birth Different is all about!

I went from a freaking out, uneducated flat spinner, to a person that had gained confidence and was ready to support my partner through birth with a clear plan, a, b and c

Alice is a wealth of knowledge and support that made our journey so much less intimidating than it initially seemed. A+++++

- Nick

By the time you finish this 10-module self paced video course, you will:

  • Know exactly how birth works 

  • Be empowered and confident to make informed decisions that will positively impact your birth experience.

  • Know how to write a clear, cohesive birth plan that reflects all your preferences

  • Have all the tools in your tool belt to work WITH pain

  • Rewire any fears you have about birth and understand how societal conditioning plays a part in your fears

  • Feel prepared and excited for your first week of parenthood

Alice helped us understand that we didn’t need to fear the process at all!

Instead, learning about all the options available to us and how we can birth our baby with confidence (no matter the outcome), gave us total faith in allowing my body to bring our baby into this world.

- Adelle

The Modern Doula 

As a modern birth and postpartum doula, Alice incorporates the ancient wisdom and techniques of birth support to modern parents in a way that’s easy to understand with a fun, no-fluff approach. 

Alice has been a fully booked birth and postpartum doula for over 3 years, and has supported women and their partners through all different types of birth experiences, from elective caesareans to planned home births and everything in between.

While every birth experience is different, Alice knows one thing for sure: the difference between going into birth informed and confident and not, can literally be life changing.

Alice understands that a positive birth is not about HOW a baby is born, but about how women and their partners are supported and made to feel throughout that experience. Alice has a way of connecting with clients that makes them feel safe, seen and heard so that she can support them in their own unique way throughout this incredible life transition.


  • NOW!! You’ll have lifetime access to the course so if you’re early on in your pregnancy, you can come back to it any time for a refresher. That said, it’s never too late to learn either. As the course is self paced, you can skip to modules that are right for you whatever stage you’re in.

  • You can smash this course out in one night if you’re a keen bean (BYO snacks) or you could spread it out over a few weeks, whatever works for you and your partner to ensure you can absorb the information. Module and lesson length varies so some will be quicker than others.

  • Absolutely! I’ve designed this course with your partner in mind so they are across all the same information that you are. 

  • As an Aussie mum myself, I have created this course with Australian’s in mind and have referred to the Australian hospital system throughout. However, the mechanics of birth are the same regardless of where you live, so it’s not a total dealbreaker if you’re located outside of Australia.

  • After purchasing you have immediate and lifetime access and as a result, I am not able to provide refunds for change of mind. If after completing every module and lesson you do not believe you have received what you paid for, please email me at hello@themoderndoula.co

So what are you waiting for?
Jump in and be empowered to
birth boldy like the queen that you are!