Frequently Asked Questions.
A birth doula is a non-medically trained emotional and physical support person for you and your partner prenatally, during birth, and postnatally.
“Doula” is a greek word that came to mean ‘woman’s servant’, and over thousands of years, woman have supported other woman in the process of childbirth.
A doula’s role is to ‘mother the mother’ and provide continuity of care throughout pregnancy, birth, and postnatally.
A doula will provide informational support, evidence based research and be able to refer on to her network of trained professionals when necessary.
Over the last 30-40 years, childbirth has become increasingly medicalized, and with 97% of births in Australia taking place in hospital (AIHW, 2021), we have slowly lost the support circles that used to be in place for woman undertaking one of life’s biggest transitions.
The Modern Doula was created to bring back ancient care principles to the modern world and to modern women with an outlook that is positive, realistic, and fun!
Because let’s face it…there’s a bit of a doula stereotype that I’m here to break: doulas are not always hippies that will only support unmedicated ‘natural’ births. Totally untrue, and I am proof!
My values include being bold, empowered, and courageous, and I aim provide a modern approach to ancient traditions of care.
It’s never too late (or too early) to hire a doula, so if you’re coming up to the end of your pregnancy and considering it, please get in contact quickly so we can discuss your options.
If you’re newly pregnant (congratulations!!) it’s great to reach out as soon as you’re considering Doula support so that we can lock in your birth month and begin to build a strong connection. Check out my packages page to see which offering suits you best.
In short, yes! Women supporting women in childbirth is nothing new - think back thousands of years ago to when women gave birth surrounded by aunties, mothers, cousins and sisters. That feminine energy is magic!
My role as a doula is not to take away from your birth partner, but to support, encourage and guide them too on how they can be the best support to you as possible. I will ensure your partner has the hands on skills, tools and confidence to be your perfect birth companion.
Doula’s don’t replace your birth partner in the same way we don’t replace midwives or OB’s - we all work together with you as our main focus.
I get it! You don’t want a random in the room when you’re in the middle of one of your most personal and intimate moments. Hopefully, after all our work together prenatally, I’m no longer a stranger to you! I love to build strong connections with my mums so that I know best how to support you and your partner as individuals. We’ll spend many hours together in the lead up to your birth, not to mention the texts back and forth, so by the time you birth your baby, (aside from your birth partner) we’ll probably know each other the most out of anyone in the room.
I am here to support YOU and your choices! I believe informed consent and education is so important in knowing what the best choice to make in each moment is, and will support any decision you make in your birth experience without judgment.
It’s your birth and your baby and I will always ensure you are in the driver’s seat of your experience and will support whatever you decide.
Absolutley! Check out the “Empower” Package which is based around prenatal support, including creating your birth plan and getting educated and informed so you can go into your birth experience armed with all the tools you need. Whilst I can’t be there with you when you give birth, we can arrange a time to debrief your experience if you’d like.
That’s a hell-yes from me. Part of my entire ethos is that every single birth is different, therefore your care should reflect this. We can add more sessions to any of the packages both prenatally and in your postpartum. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have ideas!
Doula support goes well beyond just the birth experience itself. Planned Caesarian, unplanned caesarian or even emergency C-section can all benefit from doula support. If you decide to opt for a planned C-Section, there are still preferences we can explore so that this experience is everything you want it to be and more. As you won’t need me on call, we will make a slight adjustment to the cost of the package for you.
Well that’s easy. Join me for an obligation free coffee (or tea) catch up and you can decide… Would you happily be stuck in an elevator with me and trust that you’d feel safe and entertained if we were there for a long time? If the answer is yes, we’re going to have a great time.