Using Your B.R.A.I.N.S In Pregnancy & Birth
If you’ve done your any private birth education, you’ll know exactly what I’m taking about when I say “use your BRAINS” in pregnancy and birth. Of course, I don’t mean your actual brain, although, that is often helpful. I mean the decision making acronym B.R.A.I.N.S that will help you decide if something is a HELL YES or a no thanks. Not only this, it will help guide conversations with your health care providers so that you can fully give informed consent for anything that is done to you or your baby.
When it comes to pregnancy, birth and postpartum, there are decisions galore. There’ll be things offered to you routinely, things suggested that are not going to be useful to you, and some that are down right ridiculous. So how do you, as a mama who is overwhelmed by information and options, decide which things you say yes to?
Let me introduce to you, your new best friend: B.R.A.I.N.S.
Every time you come up against a decision or a choice, you’re going to recite these letters and use them to work out where you go to next.
Here’s how it works:
What is the benefit to ME of this procedure/intervention/choice/decision?
What is the benefit to the hospital/my midwife/my OB/my baby?
EG: What are the benefits to having a Stretch & Sweep? (May bring on labour, may reduce your chances of having a medical induction, may help you feel like you have a sense of control in your final weeks of pregnancy, may help get you excited for your labour)
R is for RISKS
Are there physical risks associated with this procedure or intervention?
Are there emotional risks?
Risk to the baby? Mother? Health Care Provider?
What is the implication of said risks?
Do the risks outweigh the benefits?
EG: What are the risks to having a Stretch & Sweep? (Can be painful, can lower your confidence in your body, may accidentally break the waters which can increase your chances of needing a medical induction, increases the chance of infection, requires you to go in to the hospital)
What alternative options are there to the given choice/procedure/intervention?
Is there an alternative opinion you could seek?
Are there alternative health options or alternative medicine that could be tried?
EG: What alternatives are there to a Stretch & Sweep if I am over 40 weeks? (Acupuncture, massage, physical activity, sex, journalling, relaxation & meditation, rebozo, dates, red raspberry leaf tea, waiting it out)
What do your gut instincts tell you in this scenario? (Hint: your gut is usually correct!)
EG: When asked about having a Stretch & Sweep, what is your immediate gut reaction? (Is it, YES book me in but deep down you know you don’t really want it? Is your gut telling you this is a great decision or is your gut telling you to just chill?
N is for NOTHING
What would happen if you just did nothing or waited a few days or even a week before deciding?
Is there any risks at all by just waiting it out?
EG: What would happen if you had no Stretch & Sweep? (Labour would start on it’s own?)
S is for SPACE
Take space away from a health care provider or the situation to come to a decision that feels good for you without the added pressure of needing to decide on the spot.
EG: Head home, decide with your partner if you’d like to book one in and then call the midwife and let them know.
BRAINS is an awesome tool for literally ANYTHING that comes up in pregnancy and birth: Glucose Tolerance Test? Use BRAINS. Vaginal Exam? Use BRAINS. Looming induction? Use BRAINS.
P.S…this is a good one to share with your birth partner so they can do the thinking for you in birth!